Bump, Baby and Beyond (Dumfries and Galloway)
Thinking of volunteering with BBB?
Bump, Baby and Beyond (Dumfries and Galloway) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, who's objects are:
to advance education through provision of support, advice and information to parents and parents-to-be to give their children a healthy start in life.
to raise awareness of the benefits of breast feeding and the needs of parents and parents-to-be through working in partnership with a wide range of voluntary and statutory organisations
to advance community development through building a volunteer led peer support network for families.
The information below complements our Volunteer Handbook and outlines our commitments to and expectations of volunteers within Bump, Baby and Beyond. If our way of working sounds attractive to you and if you would like to volunteer, then please fill out the Volunteer Expression of Interest Form here,
At any time you can contact the organisation for more information:
Phone: N/A
Email: dgbumpbabyandbeyond@gmail.com
Web: https://dgbumpbabyandbeyond.wixsite.com/dgbbb
FB: www.facebook.com/BumpBabyandBeyondDumfriesandGalloway
Bump, Baby and Beyond is a parent led community group based in Dumfries, which successfully applied for charitable status in September 2014 (SCIO number: SC045122). The group was originally created in 2010 as a network of parents who joined together to help raise the profile of breastfeeding support in Dumfries and was formally constituted under the banner mum2mum friends in 2011.
Over time our work around breastfeeding support has flourished and other distinct themed areas of work have developed alongside – all led by parents attending the breastfeeding drop-in. Some of these new areas of work complement our breastfeeding focus and others have developed which go beyond this into other areas of parent support.
In order to help us reach our vision and fulfil our mission, and in response to the expressed needs of our key stakeholders, we have developed high level strategic outcomes to give focus to our work and which highlight the differences we would like to make over the next 5-10 years.
Strategic Outcomes
Parents and Families (including those who are harder to reach) feel less isolated, have improved mental health and wellbeing, and are fully supported in their journey of raising a family.
Children aged 0-11 who access Bump, Baby and Beyond are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.
Volunteers are passionate about and committed to the work of Bump, Baby and Beyond, and have the knowledge and skills to ensure they are confident in their role
Bump, Baby and Beyond is an effective and successful community-based organisation, seen as the preferred local provider of parenting support, while working effectively with other agencies for the benefit of children and families in Dumfries and Galloway
Bump, Baby and Beyond currently has a team of over 20 volunteers planning and delivering a range of projects:
mum2mum friends: Information and support around breastfeeding and the early days of parenting, with particular focus on promoting the local NHS breastfeeding support network. www.facebook.com/groups/mum2mumfriends
mum2mum friends Facebook group (1000+ members) to offer information and support around pregnancy, breastfeeding and the early days of parenting
Breastfeeding Welcome scheme (NHS partnership)
'We All Chose to Breastfeed' Posters
Big Latch on events
Dumfries Sling Library: Promoting attachment and bonding in the early years through baby wearing www.facebook.com/DumfriesSlingLibrary
Promote the benefits of baby wearing
Assist parents to ensure baby wearing is safe and comfortable
Extensive library of slings available to hire for a minimal fee
Provide training for volunteers
Dumfries & Galloway Nappy Library: Promoting the use of cloth nappies www.facebook.com/DumfriesNappyLibrary
Trial kits or individual nappies available for hire
Free long-term loan kits available for low income families
Free information and advice for parents wishing to use cloth nappies
Babes in the Woods: Forest playgroup/outdoor play www.facebook.com/outdoorplaydumfries www.facebook.com/groups/BabesintheWoodsDG
Promoting the benefits of the outdoors for all ages
Regular organised outdoor play sessions for families, including babies
Organised trips to local events and venues
Promotion of local opportunities to enjoy the outdoors
Book bugs: Discover the benefits of sharing stories, songs and rhymes with babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers aged 0-4 years to give them the best start in life
helps them develop early communication and language skills, which begins long before they even learn how to talk.
opens up the world of books to promote learning and self directed reading in later life
reading together can help develop those bonds and it helps you get to know your child better and feel less stressed
Meet other local families
While we have a core group of volunteers who manage and run the activities of Bump, Baby and Beyond we also attract volunteers who remain involved for a shorter period of time, whether this is due to changes in circumstance (e.g. returning to work after maternity leave) or changing interests and priorities as their children grow older. Project leads are able to provide a current list of volunteers associated with their area of the organisation. Whatever time you can spare, we would love to hear from you. Our volunteers are not limited to parents or grandparents, come along to meet other local people. If you would like any specific information on volunteering roles then please complete our expression of interest form for further information.
Service Users
Parents, families and children across Dumfries and Galloway
Key Partners
NHS Dumfries and Galloway
Dumfries and Galloway Council
Pregnant in Dumfries and Galloway Facebook Group
YMCA Dumfries
Third sector D&G
Bump, Baby and Beyond board meetings are held four times per year/quarterly (minimum).
Project groups arrange their own meetings as and when they are needed and provide quarterly reports for the board of trustees as well as sharing minutes of meetings.
Project leads are invited to attend for a proportion of each board meeting, where relevant.
The majority of communication happens via Facebook planning groups
Each project has their own planning group
There is a general volunteer group for sharing information which is relevant to all projects/volunteers.
Board members can also discuss organisational matters on a BBB Trustee Facebook group.
How decisions are made and influenced
No valid decisions can be taken at a Board meeting unless a quorum is present; the quorum for Board meetings is 5 Charity Trustees. All decisions at Board meetings will be made by majority vote. If there are an equal number of votes for and against any decision, the Chair of the meeting will be entitled to a second (casting) vote.
Benefits including membership and social events
Bump, Baby and Beyond is a single tier organisation which means only the trustees are registered as members and have voting rights.
Bump, Baby and Beyond deliver a number of social events which are open to both service users and our volunteers as well as dedicated volunteer social events.
We hope to provide a fun way to spend time with your family, sharing your skills with others, whilst meeting lots of local people.
If you like what you have read so far, then please fill out our expression of interest form here .
We aim to have matched you to a suitable role within 1 month of contacting us, at which point we will provide you with our volunteer handbook.
We look forward to having you on our team!